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Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart, Resources & Downloads

Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart, Resources & Downloads

Fraction Converting Done For You

Converting a fraction to a decimal is as simple as:

dividing the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator) = Decimal Measurement 

Why create a quick reference conversion chart?

Because Metal Fabrication is about precision, it requires lots of math both in and out of the shop. Welders and metalworking helpers often find themselves cutting metal, welding, framing, etc. and the constant mental strain that occurs from switching back and forth between physical crafting with your hands and figurative mental mathematics, can make even the simplest fractions difficult to calculate.

Conversion charts and cheat sheets are a great tool when they're placed by a cutting saw, cnc machine, welder, or fabricator. At minimum, they provide confirmation for the craftsman creator.

Take advantage of our offer, download and print your own 8.5" x 11" (standard paper).

Download Our Free PDF Guide, here: Download PDF


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